Saturday, September 4, 2021

The Supreme Court Significance

Ethan Parker - Blog Post #2


What's at stake in a new Supreme Court - The Boston Globe

The Supreme Court is a very vital piece of the United States of America and without The Supreme Court us as individuals would not have that taste of freedom we currently have, we would no longer be living in a democracy. There are many different reasons that make The Supreme Court the most powerful judicial body in the United States and it is safe to say, they do deserve their role. 

Throughout these very informational Supreme Court videos, I have learned many different facts that I did not know before. Something that stuck out to me about The Supreme Court was the first thing juices do before they sit down is shake hands. When this was stated in the video, it certainly stuck with me as it shows the mutual respect everyone has for each other and it shows how everyone realizes the importance of who all is being sat at the table to discuss. I feel as though shaking hands should be used more often in politics and in general today to initiate specific events such as discussions and gatherings. It seems we have somewhat gone away from the respect side of things in todays world because many people involved in politics as well as positions within a job are one sided and they cannot see both sides of an argument as well as they build hatred for their competition rather than respect for making them better at what they are doing. Another interesting gem I have learned from the two videos is that the opinion writing is the most time consuming process of the courts opinions and it can be rigorous as well. This opinion writing derives when a decision is made as a group and it is time to begin writing the decision off. This writing process can last for months as the writer sort of tries to fit everyones strongest opinion into one and satisfy everyone by adding their say. Oftentimes while these drafts and revisions are going on for quite some time, things change drastically. The majority can become the minority in the blink of an eye and sides can quickly switch and next thing we know, the entire opinion has changed and the writer is a completely different person and feels a different way than the person before. The opinion writing process is very interesting but it is necessary in the long run. 

Plenty of take-aways can be drawn from The Supreme Court. I believe the most important take-away about The Supreme Court is that they need the people in order to continue the constitution and working on side of the law as well as they must continue writing so our structure could stay intact. If people stopped wanting to listen to The Supreme Court or The Supreme Court stopped writing and acting on side of the justice system, we as a country would practically fall apart, there would no longer be structure and many rules that we need in place would fall quickly. I say the people are the most important take away of The Supreme Court because the people have say, we can use our rights and The Supreme Court acts as that vision for the people. The Supreme Court is the last court seeking justice as they live for the people and by the constitution. They protect our civil rights and pretty much allow us to be free and have say in the government, they fight back against the laws that arise to limit the power of the people, therefore we need them to continue writing. We must take part in the relationship we have with The Supreme Court as we help each other and are in this battle of freedom forever together!

The videos has many surprising twists and turns that shocked me in a way. One of the most surprising things I've learned about The Supreme Court is that they have say and choice about what cases they would like to hear. It is almost like dealing with a bully because you must let them (The Supreme Court) call the shots. If they do not want to hear a case, they do not have to and it's pretty much that simple and easy for them to do so. When they do want to hear a case, four of the nine justices must state that they agree to hear the case for the process of hearing a case to officially go through. They get a very large amount of cases in a year and they only choose specific ones to hear per year which is interesting as well as surprising because they are denying many different cases based on how they feel about the cases, they get to make the overall choice and it's surprising because only The Supreme Court has that power. Out of all the petitions they get per year, they choose less than half to actually hear and that is somewhat shocking because you'd think since they are so much for the people that they'd want to hear all cases no matter what because they act as if they want to help everyone individual person they can and I cannot imagine how they decide which cases may be false or not valid to hear. In the end, The Supreme Court is very interesting and very surprising at times because they slightly reveal their real power and it is great to see they hold all this power and are pretty much on the side of the people. 

Throughout my history of learning about The Supreme Court, I always thought of them as a villain like figure because of what they may have been doing that us people would not really know about. Until I watched the videos, I did not know how completely on the side of the people The Supreme Court were and it is awesome to see that being that they hold a large abundance of power. The videos have changed the way I see The Supreme Court because of the long and rigorous processes they go through. They aren't just forcing any decision, they take their time to make sure that get all decisions as correct as possible with limited slip ups or failures. The Supreme Court fights for our rights and that is surprising due to how many petitions that choose not to hear because they are considered invalid or not worth the time. I think of The Supreme Court in a much more positive of a way after the videos because of everything they do for the people and how civilized and focused they are on their job and tasks at hand. When a case comes in, everyone begins doing their job to their fullest capability to make sure everything runs smoothly and in an orderly fashion for the people. They put in countless hours of work and dedication to those cases that come in and it is great to hear about and see due to them fighting for us as individual people that are free. 

In conclusion, the videos that discussed The Supreme Court (Part I and Part II) and many different things that revolve around The Supreme Court were great videos to watch that held very informative information that many people need to see. As long as we have a Supreme Court, we can remain intact and have that structure that is vital to keep. Most importantly, we will be able to keep our civil rights and freedoms under the constitution which is very important in the world today and for the future. I strongly recommend watching the two Supreme Court videos to see what all they go through and how they have ever lasting impact on the people. 


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