Monday, September 27, 2021

The Progressive Era: Anti War

Ethan Parker 


Anti-war movement - Wikipedia

During this age in time, government were looking to make their own choices and did not care what others thought what so ever. They'd do almost anything to make sure those that are trying to expose the truth or express their impactful opinions be quiet and silenced. The liberal progressives during this time in America were against the involvement of the US in warfare conflict mainly because of their belief that warfare had immortal and hidden economic motivation, hence why they wanted to expose truths and strongly express their impactful opinions, but people like this were usually silenced due to government. 

When looking through the Anti-War website, it is a bit uncomfortable almost. It is unusual to see and it is because news like this never makes it to the big news channels for some reason. While scrolling throughout this website, you tend to see many big topics that you'd expect to be discussed on the mainstream news channels but only small chunks of the information is discussed. It must be due to government involvement, and it only makes since because the government never wants to look bad, they want to be seen as if they are somewhat perfect and haven't done anything dirty. But when looking at this anti-war website, many different perspectives and truths are revealed about the government and what all has gone on in our world today. The title that catches my eye immediately is the title that states "Trump Admin Considered Murdering Assange", why is this not being talked about all over mainstream news and why aren't anyone's phones constantly buzzing because of the news that has just been put out? It is a simple and relatively easy answer to conclude, it must have something to do with the government not wanting information being put out. Yes quickly notice when clicking through the links how those specific writers feel about warfare involvement. These writers are completely against war as they seem to believe war is something that does not really determine much and instead of war, the truth should be opened up. For crying out loud, the website that all of these sources are posed on is called "ANTIWAR.COM", all of these writers are not for war, but it is also easy to realize that they are all for spilling the truth. 

After taking a look at the American Conservative website, the first thing I notice is the title word "Realism" and it is also bolded and larger than all other words under it. The reason why this catches my attention so much is because this website is pushing to put out factual information that they believe many need to see and I am sure we do not see these factual, truth spilling websites because the government wants to make sure they can keep their behinds in the clear. This website also looks much cleaner than the "ANTI WAR" website, instead of having links lined up and all over the place, the American Conservative website has their topics lined up in an orderly fashion with similarities in fonts for all topics, making them easily readable and easy to find. In similarity to the anti-war website, this website also has a lot of information that we seem to not hear much of on mainstream news channels. This website does not go as hard on the US and our government as the anti-war website does but they still push to get their feelings and the truth out. This website is also full of anti-war voices and you can easily ell that when looking through some of the headlines of the topics. The topics that confirm that this website is a site where anti-war voices are allowed is the "The Sufficient Condition For Forever War Is Never War" site as well as the "Defunding The World's Police" site. The reason why they confirm that the American Conservative is a site that invites anti-war voices is because both of those sites are siding against the US when it comes to decision making that has something to do with our weapons. If we are really being technical, the first website I linked has the title of going against war and the second linked site discusses how we are wasting our precious money dealing with our police enforcement because they are making terrible decisions, especially when it comes to weapon usage and how we use moveable machines that cost a lot of money, such as tanks, army vehicles, and many more.

U.S. clearing anti-war voices off social media in vast censorship operation  | MR Online

I believe I have never heard of these two websites because of how they both go against the governments feelings and decisions. We all must come to realization that the government does not want to look bad in front of anyone, therefore they do what they need to do in order to keep a solid name. One day everyone will come to the realization that the government is not quite on our team and they hide many different vital informational stories and takes from us, so we are at a disadvantage, so we technically know less than they do. I think I do not hear of these websites often because they are cut off from being fully discussed on huge news sources such as CNN or Fox News. The government takes high risks and they will continue to do so as long as they can seem like they are 100% for the people and completely on the side of letting the citizens know everything, but in reality, they want you to know nothing that has secret value to the government. We are seriously going to believe that the government does not try to keep valuable information, such as these ones of the two websites I've discussed earlier, from us? The same government which has created bombs that many do not even know about, the same government who tries spying on citizens daily, the same government that has just resorted to blaming Cuba in the past? It just makes so much since that the government is behind the scenes of why important views that would make the US government look bad do not get out. Many are against war and what the government pushes to do because of the long term affects it could have on people. We basically throw away our soldiers half of the time during wars and it is because the government wants to be head of the spear and take everything head on without much thought or even community input. Yes we all understand our government nationalistic views and why 'we must go to war'. But that is not always the answer and the government knows it is not, they just do not want the people to feel as though they are right, therefore they cancel out the voices of the people who oppose war and make sure they do not reach mainstream news channels so nothing can get out, no group opinions can be made, and so nobody bans together to go against the government. 

The Strange Politics of 'Classified' Information - The New York Times

We all must do tons of searching for these anti-war websites because the government knows what all could be getting out and they are not prepared to deal with the world for what it may become if these opinions and facts do begin to get released and out. Imagine what all could happen if the entire US knew about these websites and read them thoroughly, many people may come together and go against the government indefinitely because of how people may begin to feel because of websites like these two. Like I stated earlier, the government does all it can to silence the voice of the people when it comes to topics they do not want to change a single bit and this is why we all must go through such tough searching to find anti-war websites such as these two. The government would be faulted in various amounts of ways if these websites became attainable easily, we might not even have a government if these websites begin to spread like wildfire and become easily accessible to all. Have we all forgotten that the government is technically allowed to remove internet websites if they have the correct reasoning to do so? It is not that difficult for the government to go through a couple of biased reasons why a website that makes them look bad should be removed. The process of government removing a internet website because of what it may portray is known as Internet Censorship. The government most likely uses this process to remove many of these anti-war voices' websites because of what they potentially can say about the government or what they are saying about the government. US citizens are free to share the voice and their opinions/views but if the government feels as though we are sharing information that can become somewhat harmful, is dangerous, is not right to be seen by children, then they can take the informational websites down. I am sure there has been multiple times where the government has taken down a page due to what it portrays about them and most of the time, the information that these websites can portray, are negative towards the government, meaning they push the views of individuals to side against the government and make a move to prove what all the government is actually doing and what they could potentially be hiding. Websites are not safe in this free country and it is because the government is scared to be shown off for what they really are, for what they really have to hide. 

In the end, the government does do many different things for the US citizens but out of all the government does, how much of it is a deal because of something they've hidden? The government cannot be completely trusted and it is easy to say that because of the websites and truths they hide from us, just like seen on the Anti-War website and the American Conservative website, how come these types of websites aren't talked about daily? It is due to the government wanting to keep a clean slate, but we cannot let the get away this easy, they must be exposed for what they hide and we must be allowed to discuss our views and opinions, no matter how it looks on the government. 

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