Wednesday, August 25, 2021

My Top 5 News Sources!

 Ethan Parker - My Top 5 News Sources!


There are many different news sources in the world today and it is very difficult to be able to build a state of trust with these news sources. Many sources oftentimes love displaying biased or misinformation on a live platform that gets many different viewers daily. Here are my top 5 sources I love gathering information from daily!

CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

1. My number one and most reliable news source has to be CNN. Growing up CNN was always on the TV in the living room as well as in class we always seemed to go through CNN when covering news. CNN discusses a variety of different topics and they are usually current events that are very important in the world today. Oftentimes today when watching CNN you will quickly see that COVID-19 is often talked about and that specific discussion can sometimes last a very long period of time while overlapping other news topics. I love tapping into CNN news because they are a reliable source for current events today that must be publicized. CNN is also a fun news source to watch as many times the talk show host tell short jokes or use puns to lighten the mood a bit, it is awesome to see them do this because it shows they enjoy their job and they are using their excitement to discuss news topics rather than talking in a monotone voice the entire show. Yes, I am sure many of the hosts and people featured on CNN could be biased but many times the two or three people discussing the topic are arguing different sides which allows the viewer to feel both ways of the argument. If you want to stay up to date on big news and current events that are taken very seriously, I highly recommend CNN news. I recommend CNN because they are a trusted source of news and information and they have a variety of professional talk show hosts that know how to engage an audience into the conversation. 

Fox News leader signs new contract, no 'pivot' planned2. My second news source is Fox News. Fox News is very similar to CNN as they both cover the latest issues and headlines of what is going on in the world today. The reason I mention Fox News is because usually it comes on during the late evening around 8pm whereas CNN airs early in the morning from around 6am. Many viewers that watch CNN also watch Fox News due to the difference in when the shows are aired. A viewer could wake up early in the morning and turn on CNN while they prepare to attend their occupation, then in the evening when they are off of work they can turn on Fox News and watch what all the hosts have to discuss before going to bed. Fox also usually titles their topics and discussions very uniquely and the titles make us viewers look at those people being targeted sideways at times which can make viewers anxious to hear about the topic on the show. Fox News is a great resource to use when looking for vital information, about 4 in every 10 individuals trust Fox News and that says a lot surprisingly. I strongly recommend Fox News because of the strong information the talk show provides as well as it's aired at a reasonable time where many can watch it.

Youtube: Latest News, Youtube Videos & Photos
3. YouTube is another source that is phenomenal to use when it comes to gathering information. YouTube consists of many different content creators that share their own opinions and give out handfuls of information a day. Oftentimes, big news shows such as CNN and Fox News have a YouTube channel and by watching their YouTube, you can get their spill of what they'd talk about on the talk show, but shorter and more summarized. YouTube is a huge network that gathers many different videos per minute, therefore a large variety of information is being put out a day, it is almost like you have unlimited information when scrolling through YouTube. YouTube also has pretty much everything you could possibly look up and it ranges from informational and 'how to do' videos all the way to entertainment videos. I really enjoy YouTube because not only could you get a plethora of information from the Google owned source but you could also purchase a better version of YouTube to receive no ads and the first couple of months are free of charge! How awesome would it be to watch everything you ever wanted to with no commercials and no ads with no charge? That is very tough to beat. In the end, I would strongly recommend the use of YouTube for daily essentials you may need help with, such as resetting a computer, or even how to tie a tie, YouTube has it all! As well as YouTube could help you find reliable information quickly without having to watch a hour long segment.

4. The fourth source I use to gather information is Instagram. Believe it or not, Instagram sometimes has some very powerful information that must be read. Yes, lots of people using this app could be very biased but recently, false posts have been edited to where there is a source at the bottom of the post showing where the real and factual information can be found. This is extremely helpful to the users of Instagram because it sort of limits that biased and false side Instagram could sometimes hold. I also really love using Instagram because I get daily notifications when big named people post informative statements and posts, such as Chris Cuomo. Another informative person I love hearing from on Instagram is Adrian Wojnarowski. I love hearing from Adrian Woj because he is a very reliable source in the sports industry and he always has the latest news on what big things have happened over the last couple of weeks or days. I love using Instagram because of everything I can explore using the app, I am on the app a decent amount of time per day but I am glad I can browse through many different trusted individuals and receive vital information. In conclusion, I strongly recommend Instagram because of all the powerful information it actually holds and corrects if wrong as well as how you can stay up to date on pretty much everything you need because you can get notifications when a reliable source posts something new. 

The Daily (podcast) - Wikipedia5. The Daily News Podcasts is another source I love hearing from. This news source is pretty much a podcast that is produced from The New York Times. Those who know about The New York Times know it is very factual and has good information that many need to see or hear. Throughout this podcast, journalists are interviewed often and it lasts about 30 minutes per episode. There is a lot of information viewers could gather from a 30 minute podcast with known journalists. the topics vary per episode but each journalist who is featured on the show pretty much shares their story and what all they've had to go through which directly correlates to the specific topic of the episode. It is very interesting to listen and gather information from because you never know what these famous journalists may have in mind to discuss and it could be something that either you have dealt with or may encounter in the near future. I love podcasts in general but I really enjoy listening to this specific one because of the great information and trusted sources that the podcast provides. I certainly recommend taking a listen to one of these podcasts to gather strong stories of known Times journalists as well as overall information on what is going on in the world today. 

In the end, there are plenty of sources out there that you could be looking at and following for top news. I'd recommend researching those programs before spending large amounts of time using them, some of them may have a bad history or do some things you may not approve of. With that being said, I hope my top 5 news sources may have helped you out a bit when looking for news sources to use, I certainly love using them! Looking forward to blogging with you all again soon, thanks!


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