Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Final Blog Post: How Technology Really Affects Us

Positive and Negative Effects of Technology on Your Health

Ethan Parker 



Technology has made tremendous advancements overtime and technology can be both positive and negative, in many different aspects. We would not be where we are at now in life if it weren't for technology, but there has also been large amounts of setbacks in human development due to technology. Throughout this blog post I will discuss how technology has benefited us and been a good resource for us over time, how technology has ruined life and resulted in failure or setbacks in humans over time, and how this class of Media Law and Literacy has pushed me to think of how technology can influence or affect us throughout our lives. 

How Technology Has Been A Benefit To Humans:

10 uses of technology that made it a part of everyday work - Education  Today News

Something technology has done for us that will always be remembered as remarkable is the advancement of communication through technology. This made things easy for us in many different ways, one would no longer have to experience the struggle of having to send an envelope to someone's house and wait for who knows how long for a short worded response. Technology has allowed us to save money as well as valuable time when it comes to communicating with other in many different forms of ways and being that technology has done that, we can now focus on other things that may be more time consuming as well as maybe more important such as our jobs or even just going on with our daily lives. The creativity technology has allowed us to embark on is immaculate and now we are able to do a variety of things when it comes to communication, things such as being able to easily sell products, have conversations with people all across the globe, and get involved with what the internet really has to offer. Things have been completely sped up overtime, no many continually use newspapers anymore, you can find access to news via multiple sources. Technology has also introduced things such as social media which is the largest source of communication we use today and it is not just the younger generation who has become hip to this entire social media communications thing, even professionals use it and believe it or not, that is what helps make up the large percentage of those who use social media to communicate. Professionals tend to use social media outlets such as LinkedIn to reach out to who they may want to come into conversation with. Social media allows us to communicate with a very large number of people and this way we can strongly stay up to date on the newest trends and what is going on throughout the world, you name it, you can find it on social media and its most recent doings. Social media has unlocked an entire new wave of communication and it does not look to be slowing down soon. Something else that is very big when it comes to communication due to technology that was slightly touched on in the first couple of sentences is digital communication. This one is very important, since there is now sources such as social media, emailing, and automatic text messaging already placed on everyones phones, digital communication is instant. We no longer have to go on the struggle of having to wait hours, days, or months for a response. With digital communication we are able to text or call our friends and family quickly and on the spot as well as share a variety of pictures and memories right away. Oftentimes a long while ago, people used to meet face to face in person when they had to discuss something and it was not easy to schedule a time to talk because you never knew when someone was really free, where they'd be, or what exactly they were doing. Now being that we have digital communication we do not have to go through this struggle, we can communicate through technology quick and easy. When looking at life scenarios, digital communication and technology is always playing a large role, for instance when looking at the pandemic, this forced many to have to work in an at home setting as well as quarantine and stay inside their homes. Digital communication has allowed us to be able to stay in contact with friends and family that we may have been cut off from seeing due to the pandemic and the forces of having to stay at home. Also digital communication has allowed some of us to continue to work through the pandemic because you can use you computer or laptop to set up some form of live digital communication that allows us to continue our everyday work and school lives through digital communication and technology. Something else that has been completely helpful when it comes to technology and revolutionizing communication is the growth of technical devices such as the phone or the laptop. These devices have come such a long way and as they progress they allow us to communicate better and much easier. Just take a look at the iPhone and how far it has come. Like my professor once said "It is a mini computer" and after he mentioned this, I came to realization that the "mini computer" is getting more intelligent and intelligent as new ones come out. With this being said, they are providing us with communication uses on them that we can access from anywhere at anytime and how great is that. Honestly, sit down for a second and ponder on the fact that the iPhone is able to communicate at a high level from many different places. This allows us to communicate important things that could be emergency or in general just something important as well as we could bring people along with us virtually by using the communication on these devices and sending high level pictures. It was such a great idea to be able to move from the wall phone to actual phones we can take with us on a daily. This also helps a tremendous amount because we no longer have to only worry about making certain calls from one spot or one location, it can now be done pretty much everywhere and on the go. The devices are also becoming more useful in the sense of size. You can purchase a computer or laptop of your preference, phones are not as big as they used to be, they can fit in the average person's hands and easily slide into the pocket for transporting the device. There has been so many breakthroughs when it comes to these devices, it is just amazing. We can do things quickly and much easier as well due to the development of these devices, things such as easily switching on an alarm on our phones before we go to sleep rather than having to go through a time consuming process of setting a regular alarm on an alarm clock. These devices may start off at decently high prices but imagine how much money they can actually save you, they can pretty much save your life at times especially if you need to make a huge phone call because you are in a very dangerous situation. You do not have to spend the money and waste the time as well as gas to do the things you can easily do with a cell phone or laptop. It is safe to say that technology has certainly helped communication to a fine degree. 

Negative Aspects of Technology:

The negative effects of social media | Wall Street International Magazine

Although technology has been extremely beneficial for many humans overtime, it has also been ruining the lives of individuals, technology does have its good side, but there is always a bad side that comes along with the extreme benefits of something, especially technology. Due to technology being easily accessible in todays society, it can lead to many different drawbacks in us humans, drawbacks such as eyestrain as well as difficulty focusing on important tasks. Technology easily causes eyestrain because you are constantly looking at a screen on some form of a device, when engaging in staring at a device with a screen, oftentimes you blink less and your eyes must work harder to focus on the screen that is practically moving as you are trying to focus on it. Most of us use our phones daily and we tend to have our phones particularly close to our faces and our eyes. This is not good at all, this also adds to the stress our eyes may receive from the screen and overtime this can lead to a worsen eyesight as well as the disability to focus on extreme tasks. Technology can also ruin our focus and our attention spans as I somewhat stated earlier. This occurs because we are practically rewiring our brains to get used to the 10 minute video we are watching daily versus an hour and a half long class period. Since we use technology so often our attention spans are being shortened from 12 minutes to about 5 minutes. A sign that you may be spending too much time on technology is if you are not quite able to remember names of individuals. People who are online for about 5 hours a day tend to struggle with this. Yes, technology does tend to bring some people together but it also does the opposite and causes isolation. There are studies that show younger individuals who use social media more often are three times more likely than this who do not use social media as often to feel isolated socially. These individuals engaging so much of their time into social media have a lower confidence level as well as less motivation to engage in social interactions.  Social media and other uses of technology can lead to various mental health issues. When it comes to social media, people can express themselves and practically say what they want via social media and oftentimes many people do say what they want, but they do it anonymously. Due to individuals having negative social interactions on social media, they may tend to have higher levels of depression as well as anxiety. Due to you not knowing exactly what could happen on social media platforms, you do not know what you may run into. You could easily have negative effects upon your mood that worsen specific symptoms of depression and anxiety. People who tend to lose control of their life spend a large chunk of time online and this can introduce anxiety as well as depression. Another negative technology has attributed to is our posture. Due to us humans constantly using devices such as mobile phones and tablets, we look down and forward most of the time which causes us to practically be hunched forward as well as looking down at a screen. This is never a good thing, by doing this we could heavily harm our neck as well as our spine both of which we need to be as healthy and strong as possible throughout our lifetimes. While using our technology, we do not like taking breaks or stretching while on social media because we are too focused in what the screen has to offer, therefore making us have some long-term effects we may feel as we get older such as neck or back pain. A huge issue that technology brings to the table is that many may encounter sleep issues or problems. As many know, when using technology closer towards sleep time it can cause issues with us falling asleep, staying asleep, or having a good night deep sleep. The lights that we encounter from our phones and other screen technology stimulate the brain. There has been a study that shows the blue light from a screen can cause disturbance with our sleep patterns as well as it can cause us to not feel as alert the next day. Technology users who use the technology an hour before bed seem to receive less satisfactory sleep than others who do not use technology before bed. Those who use technology before bed also tend to feel sleepier throughout the day and this can range in various different ways, even including driving. I stated earlier how technology may stimulate our brains and by the technology doing this, our bring pretty much tell us that we are no longer as sleepy as we were and we becomes less ready to fall asleep. That is not all technology can affect, technology can also help reduce our physical activity motivation. Technology sort of promotes a sedentary lifestyle and these types of effects can contribute to negative aspects such as obesity, premature death, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. People can spend hours at a time on technology and this is an obvious way many people today do not exercise consistently. Our phones make us want to sit still and pretty much use them all day as well as rely on them for our everyday challenges and this does not help because we become non-active and lazy. Oftentimes when you go to a gym, you will notice many people on their phones throughout different sets of their workout and this is not at all good. The phone is causing us to pretty much take a break from our workout and focus on the phone a bit which can make our workout longer, a bit easier and not as beneficial for us in the long run. We want to stay up to date on everything in today's world and instead of taking time to go workout or get involved in some form of physical activity, we find ourselves sitting on our phones scrolling through timelines daily. Last but certainly not least, technology can certainly play a huge role in affecting our children. Our children's brains are steady developing and their Brians may be more sensitive to the effects that can be drawn out from technology than other such as adults. Children who may be exposed to the overuse of technology may develop low academic performance, low creativity, lack of attention, delays in language development, poor sleep quality, aggressive behaviors, and addiction to the technology. Our children are likely to develop disorders if they continue on the path of overusing technology and that does not look bring for their futures. Since there is so much technology available, children become more distracted and easily develop the ability to not be able to focus on other things when they are presented to them. The development of children can be slowed and hindered if they continue to use technology over, and over again. 

What This Class Has Helped Me To Realize About Technology's Influence:

REALIZATION – The General Journal

This class has allowed me to realize that technology can be beneficial but also a curse at the same time. Throughout this course, Professor Smith has informed us about how important our first amendment right is and what all we should be able to do with it. There has been countless times throughout class Professor Smith has showed us how the government has taken away or limited out first amendment right is some form and oftentimes, this occurs on technology. Technology and social medial allow us to certainly show off every aspect of our lives and the government certainly feeds on that information and majority of times, they use it against us in some way, hence why technology is evil and can be so misleading. Technology is an easy way to get information out and spread news in massive waves but be careful for what you wish for because you can quickly become locked up and moved across the country with the type of world that we live in today and it is absolutely outrageous because you'd think you are expressing yourself under the first amendment, in which you are, but the government uses the evil technology against you and overrides the system and ultimately does what they wish. 

This class has also helped me to realize that being on technology too much can ruin many different things, things in which I have discussed early but this class brought my attention to it when the topic of technology arises. The first day of class Professor Smith strongly emphasized how he felt about about having our phones in sight and when he told us to put them out of sight, it was not because he was being a mean professor, but he brought up studies, multiple factual studies that I have actually found when doing research for my final blog post! Professor Smith told us about how having our phones near us during class time, it lowers our chances of a good grade on an exam, it makes it harder for us to focus in class, as well as we are constantly distracted with them being near. 

Another thing this class has helped notice is what technology can do to us humans and our confidence levels throughout life. During this class, we often performed presentations that'd help inform our peers on important topics. Many people are already antisocial and do not have great communication skills so they tend to live their lives on technology and show themselves off throughout social media. Social media can destroy us as humans due to everything the can bring into our lives. Many receive hate through social media and I am sure everyone is familiar with the term known as 'cyberbullying' which can occur at any given time on social media. Many people tend to rely on social media for simple things such as communicating with people as well as getting their personal image out there and this is never good because social media can quickly destroy us as we put too much time into it as well as too much information, we pretty much give our personal lives away on social media daily and this class has helped me to realize that even more and with a much clearer view. 


10 Phrases To Use Instead Of "In Conclusion" |

This class has not only helped me to learn about our governmental system and how important and critical our first amendment right is but this class has also allowed me to notice what all technology can bring into the lives of everyone, how we can be impacted, and not just impacted in a positive way. Technology can be very beneficial like I stated earlier, but you must never put all your trust into it as you can be stripped of your identity, personal information, as well as your confidence and well-being could be clipped in an instant. So what does this mean about technology? It means be careful and know what you are getting yourself into at all times because technology can be a slippery slope with many ups and downs we must be aware of. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

EOTO #2: What I Learned!

 Ethan Parker 



During the EOTO presentations, the topic of misinformation vs. disinformation seemed to catch my attention fairly quickly. Throughout this blog post, I will be discussing what all I have learned about misinformation and disinformation, how we may be able to work around this, and what this may possibly lead to in the near future.

5 ways to spot disinformation on your social media feeds - ABC News

Misinformation and disinformation are often confused with each other, many use them for each other and the people listening often do not even catch it or realize that they are using the incorrect term. Misinformation is fake news and false information that is being unintentionally shared while disinformation is the intentional spread of false information. Though it turns out that we all tend to fall for misinformation as well as disinformation. For example, if I were to approach my best friend and begin telling him about how there are really only 2-3 different planets, knowing there are more than 2-3 planets, I would be engaging in disinformation while if I were to approach my best friend and tell him/her that Kobe Bryant has six rings, assuming he has six, would be me participating in misinformation because of the fact that I did not know that Kobe Bryant only had 5 rings, I thought he had 6 and it was unintentional to spread that false news whereas with the disinformation, I was purposely spreading the false news that there are only 2-3 planets. I stated that we tend to fall for disinformation and misinformation oftentimes because it turns out we actually do and through the EOTO presentation, there was proof provided. It turns out, us humans do not have long attention spans and we sort of tend to believe what all we hear instead of actually finding the facts of the information that was told to us. For example, If someone where to wrongfully inform me that Google in no way tracks its users, majority of people listening to that person speak would believe him/her because we usually do not care enough to fact check them or look up the information they are giving to us, instead we believe them and move on with our lives and sometimes we tend to spend the false information we heard. Most of us have people we somewhat look up to or listen to when it comes to speaking out on certain topics. influencers have a big role on what all we believe and what all we may participate in doing because of what they have stated on their Instagram or their Snapchat's. Due to us having much love for those of the famous, we may tend to listen to what they are putting out and push to believe what they are saying. Oftentimes we argue with those who disagree with the ones we love because we believe the ones we love are always correct and do not fact check them at all. Based on who believe and how you feel towards specific subjects determines what all you may believe in the long run, it is best to fact check everything and find out if you are receiving misinformation or disinformation. We love for things to be easily readable and quick to access, this is why we fall for so much fake news and disinformation, here are some ways to cut out the fake news below.

The Facts about Fact Checking: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information  #2 - YouTubeHow can we work around misinformation and disinformation? Well there are many ways to do so actually. There are a variety of reliable fact checkers on the internet today as well as old used history books that have much useful information for us in libraries. When not using an official fact checker you should always come to the decision to use and analyze the acronym "AIIAE". "AIIAE" stands for analyze, identify, intent, authorize resources, and evaluate. When analyzing, actually look through the information that is provided, does it even make sense? As well as make sure the site is actually talking about real things, look around and use other resources to find if their story is even real. When using the I, being "identifying", locate what the main objective of the story or article is about, identify the true meaning of the article and figure out does it seem like it should even be talked about or does it seem like some mis/disinformation? When searching for the intent, look to find context clues on where the story originated from and why it is even being discussed and published. Authorizing resources if quite self explanatory as you must use resources to figure out if the site or article you may be looking at is worthy enough to be believed. If you find many different resources that say the complete opposite from what the article is saying, you may want to rethink the article you are looking at as it may not be true. Last but not least is evaluating, after going through the last four steps, you must now make the decision if it is worth it to stay on the site you are on or the article, if you want to believe it, and if you should use this site or article as a source on something such as a paper or presentation. All of those factors weigh in on the evaluate step and they are important as you do not want to continue to spread mis/disinformation. Use these factors to your advantage and read thoroughly and break everything down piece by piece. A site useful to use is the site known as FactCheck Posts. This website supposedly takes the topics of articles that are going around the world and facts checks them and puts out the real story of what actually is going on and what all is really behind the scenes. This site could be very useful for many as they will receive the entire inside scoop on what all is actually going down but we all still must be careful. Use the acronym "AIIAE" to determine if the information seems a bit off or not, we must not trust every site we encounter all because they have a big title and a lot of information that follows. 

Shaping The Future | Northstar Church
The near future could actually look scary for us. I state that with confidence because there is so much fake news and lies in the world as it is today. Oftentimes Middle school and High school teachers do not know exactly if what they are teaching is completely true and it is because of all the fake news that goes around today and we could be at huge risk if it continues. Our world could change and it would not be in a good way due to the fact that our children and younger generation will be growing up in a world of biased and fake information that has been spread like wildfire, they will not know what to believe and eventually that could easily lead to them sharing mis/disinformation of their own, which is not good for our world today! We must be honest, allow everyone to know the truth and know what is actually going on, no matter the opinion, no matter where you stand or how you feel. We need to stop the growth of fake news and social media will strongly have to do with it. As we know, our way of like heavily depends on technology and social media is a huge aspect of technology because it is an easy way to spread information, as well as an easy way to spread fake news. Social media needs to be factually checked, I know Instagram is working on this by developing the sites with the facts under posts, but social media must do more! Social media is where all the attention is and if we can stop the spread of false information on social media, our futures will have much better safety when it comes to the social aspect of life. If our youth continue to go through this lifestyle of hearing so much different information and views on one topic, sooner or later our life socially will begin to become ruined. Not as many people will talk and share ideas or opinions because nobody will necessarily know who or what to believe because everyone puts a certain spin on news now-a-days making it look completely different than what it really is and it must come to a stop. I cannot speak for everyone but I surly do not want to live in a society where one cannot speak to another because of all the fake news that spread throughout our lives today. The madness must be stopped, our futures are at risk.


In Conclusion, misinformation and disinformation are two different topics but they both share an equivalent power of dangerousness that is hard to control. In the end, we must be more aware, use our resources, and no longer believe everything we see because it was posted on a certian site or said by a certain someone, we need to stand up for what we believe is right and wrong and fact check almost if not everything before it is to late for our future. 

Free Flow of Information

 Ethan Parker 


As we all know, we all have the essential right to speak our minds and spread news as we wish. But with doing so, if you are to upset the government, you may suffer consequences. Throughout this blog post I will discuss what the free flow of information is essentially, why we have the right to spread news to an extent, and what happens if we spread news the government does not want getting out. 

Net Neutrality: The democracy of free flow of information – Analysis  Junction

So what really is the free flow of information? Well there was an rule that was put out called the "Free Flow of Information Act" which pretty much protects reporters, journalists, and news article reporters from being forced to have to reveal their sources to their information on the take they currently have going on or have already published when faced of federal prosecution. Although this law sounds promising everywhere, it has not been mandated nationally yet. This act pretty much began due to the White House pushing for federal protection when it came to media. We needed this form of protection in order for our feelings to get out, it almost looked like a form of communication in which it was in a sense. This act and this push allowed for us to be able to effectively report certain things without getting in trouble to an extent. This was very vital to us because it allows us to also speak out in the form of the first amendment. As we all know, if there wee no speaking out or any free form of speech, we would not live in the democracy we live in today. The free flow of information allowed us to spread news to the public, it allowed for those with a great scoop to put out information they felt as though all should hear and oftentimes, the information that was being put out, lead to many different forms of feelings. As we know, the Government loves to hide things as well as sort of keep secrets, therefore their feelings are seen in a variety of different ways because of how they feel when"valuable" information gets loose. The Government majority of times does something that is not good and that is why they try to hide the information that shows what all the wrong they were doing and this is why the free flow of information is so valuable to us today. We are able to get that information loose and out to those who may need to see it but this can oftentimes come with great consequences which is unfair. The free flow of information is our right to protection when posting valuable stories of information and we shall not undergo prior restraint when doing so. Our voices are hidden and that should no longer stand, we have all the right under the first amendment and acts such as the free flow of information act to be able to share news and gather information from people like reporters and journalists, no matter the take they currently have or have been working on. The free flow of information is very important to us today and we must be able to continue using it as well as our first amendment rights to receive valuable information and make sure the Government plays their correct roles in our society.

Three cases that show what free speech means | ShareAmerica

We have the right to do things such as spread information and valuable news but it is also held to a certain extent obviously. Under the first amendment we shall never be detained for articulating opinions in form of a speech weather it is verbal or technical. We as humans and citizens of the United States of America are allowed to post what we what, inform others, vocalize opinions, and stand up for what all we believe is right, even if that means to spread news that the Government does not want to get loose. Obviously due to the first amendment, we have the right to do things such as spread news and information and discuss topics as we wish essentially but there is a limit to what we can do believe it or not. Julian Assange, was taken away for supposedly hacking into US government classified documents and posting the footage that was refused to be shown on the site he founded, known as WikiLeaks. This is what I mean by we can publish information to an extent. Julian Assange was looking to inform the people, allow us some insight on what is really going on and it turns out he has been wanted dead for years now, he was even wanted dead by the former President of the United States, Donald John Trump. Officials did not enjoy the presence of Assange because he knew how to release valuable information that we should always be able to have access to, and this is why we cannot fully post information as we wish because we too may be wanted dead by the Government also, all because we know information that they do not want us to release. If we were to release news similar to Assange, we'd be the ones that are getting taken away, silenced, and who knows what else. It is completely unfair that we must live in a so called "free" country that does not even allow us to do free things under the constitution at times. Of course we can move information across the internet as we wish but yes we cannot do things such as post things that may be harmful to others, threatening, as well as we are not allowed to share things across the internet that may have to do with child pornography, but those are givens and somewhat obvious, we should know what all the Government is doing and what they have been hiding from us. We are citizens of this country and we should be able to hear from Assange no matter what he has to say because we deserve to hear it in this so called "free" country. 

Cartoon of the day: People vs. government | American Enterprise Institute -  AEI

Now going off of assumption and what all I already have knowledge of, such as what all has happened to Assange, if we were to spread news that the government does not want getting out, our country may no longer be a Democracy. I state this because, our voices will begin to get cut off and we may longer be able to express our own opinions because the Government is to secretive and scared to hear what we may have to put out. Many individuals will be locked up in jail all over the world and we may never see them again because the Government does not want information to get out, valuable information that they believe they can only see, when that is completely wrong because us citizens have just as much rights to view what all is going on as they do. The country of he US will become limited to information and it will seem like the US population is becoming smaller and smaller due to the people being placed in jails all across the world, such as Julian Assange who is currently in London, in maximum security prison. Is all this really necessary? Yes, we understand classified information is "classified" but does it really take moving a known reporter and journalist to a different country, placing him in maximum security? That sure makes it seem like the Government is hiding much more than Assange has released and it scares me a bit to say that. What else is the Government pushing to keep away from us? How long will it be kept a secret? Who will be the next Julian Assange that gets taken away and locked up? This is what we must consider now and if we were to push to release valuable information such as Julian Assange has done, we'd all end up in a similar position, people will be working towards plans to assassinate us and it is because we want to hear the truth, know what all is actually going on. If we were all to work towards releasing this precious information, we'd soon turn our democracy into a dictatorship where one voice begins to have all the power because it seems like our rights will be striped from us instantly if we try getting near publishing governmental "classified" information that we deserve to see. We should not have to live in this type of fear, fear to publish information, fear of knowing the truth, fear of being locked up and taken away from family and friends for knowing and trying to publicize the truth, it must stop and the Government must realize, they work for us and we do not work for them, this is and will forever be a democracy

What is the meaning of the word CONCLUSION? - YouTube

In conclusion, we have the right to spread information in a free flowing way and we shall always hold onto that right no matter what. We should be able to access information without being worried of what might happen to us and we should know all the classified information the Government hides, after all we live in a democracy and information is allowed to be spread to the public, therefore we should not be arrested for finding hidden news that should have been released because we are the people and we deserve the free flow of information and all that comes with it. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

The Age of AI

Artificial Intelligence Technology | 18 Useful Technologies Used in AI

 Ethan Parker 


The Age of AI can both benefit us as humans and make our lives much easier but the age of AI can also ruin many lives and force many individuals into unemployment. With the near future approaching quickly, many jobs are at risk due to AI technology and AI technology is not just technology that performs one task, it learns new ways of development and continues to make itself smarter based on what it is being told to do. AI or Artificial Intelligence are computerized systems that have the ability to mimic human actions and at times, do them better as they interpret and think about things similarly to how we do. 

How AI can benefit us:

Can AI be an inventor? | Managing Intellectual Property

AI can benefit us in a variety of different ways and like I stated earlier, it can make our lives much easier in the long run. With the help of AI, we'd be able to perform things at a much faster rate, so much faster than us individuals could possibly do. One of the main pros of AI technology is that it'd be efficient and the accuracy would be on point. With artificial intelligence, we are eliminating the process of human error in the brain. Being that AI is not exactly a human, this technology does not have to worry about things such as error or mistakes. AI will also be able to put out information quickly and perform tasks in a timely manner without slowing down like us humans. When completing work or even working on something, us humans tend to slow down as we continue, AI will not quite slow down, everything will be done at an efficient speed and this would help us a tremendous amount being that we could use the help when working on large projects that have many difficult aspects to them. AI is programmed to be "intelligent" as it can take long processes such as finding an abundance of information and find them quick an easy. With that being said, AI will help us to narrow down long time consuming projects and with that being said, we'd be able to produce things quick and efficiently. When it comes to us humans, we are limited to knowledge and being able to search through our memory to bring things into the project that we are working on. With AI, they have practically unlimited resources and can work on projects that are very small as well as very large without being tired out at all. The human mind can get very bored very quickly, ultimately making us get tired of the task that we are currently working on or working towards. With the efficient and quick AI technology, there will be no tiredness, there will be no breaks needed, everything will be done in a timely manner which will help us get things done quicker which will soon lead to more people being helped and larger, more important projects getting done quicker. 

Top Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trends to Watch for in 2020

When using AI technology, it not only helps by being efficient and accurate but it also helps us reduce costs by not having to spend so much on products and services, as well not so much human paid labor will be needed. In general, AI will make it to where many jobs will not need as many people filling roles and getting paid because AI technology will be able to replace all of that which will reduce costs heavily in the workplace due to not as many people needed to be paid and them needed certain materials such as laptops, desks, chairs, tables, and so on. AI is very advanced and practically would be able to add focus to projects that it used to take multiple paid humans to work on. AI technology will help us in a variety of different ways but this one is huge because we are not spending so much money per year from this specific job and imagine how much money is being spent per year for all corporate jobs, it must be tons. But AI can help with that, AI will use more advanced training to where things will get done at lower costs and the humans that will be kept and hired will be the humans that create the most value in the long run. Many difficult and unsolvable patterns and tactics will soon be solved with AI, saving the business a large amount of money per year. This will help customer experience which also will result in less money spent per year because when customer experience is not up to par, you must spend to get things that are either up to par or hire more people that may be able to do the job better, ultimately resulting in more money spent. When looking at the overall process of how AI will help reduce costs, this means efficiency will be improved heavily within global, national, and local businesses while costs are still being reduced and costs may even be cheaper for customers, ultimately making them more happy which will result in better reviews which are always a plus. Those companies who decide not to use AI technology over human labor in certain aspects will soon fail and they will realize they cannot compete against those other companies that utilize AI to the highest degree. 

What is Artificial Intelligence? How Does AI Work, Applications and Future?

Anther huge benefit of using AI technology is that there will be effective data acquisition and analysis as well as AI technology will be able to understand high dimensional data, which is very hard for just one human to do, as well as multiple humans. Humans cannot really handle the high volume data all the time, many humans struggle with that aspect of work and if you take a deeper look at it, computers over time have always handled themselves when it comes to data and AI technology is the technology that can benefit us in ways many cannot imagine. AI technology is more that beneficial when it comes to dealing with extreme volumes that deal with data, which more often than not, humans struggle with. Due to the reaching out AI can do with internet and looking back through what all it has already researched and done, AI will be able to make big decisions for us humans by gathering information that is difficult to comprehend. AI works like a scanning device when it comes to the true analysis of data, AI can figure out trends and insights quickly, it can find them in no time, AI is able to perform those difficult tasks to where we must figure out certain trends of preferences for a companies marketing scheme. It no longer has to take multiple people and be so difficult because we have AI. AI is able to understand the large high dimensional data, which is also very hard to really understand and break down. AI is able to perform the impossible where it can reduce data's dimensionality and cluster it and then go back and find patterns or even groups that we'd never find with out the help of AI technology. In the end, this understanding of this huge chunk of data will help us in the long run to be able to reach the advanced customer segmentation, it will help us to find large groups and similarities between internet pages, and it will allow us to be able to trace and find similarities on individuals will social media data. This information can all be quickly gathered by AI technology and it being able to break things into clusters and algorithms that humans would struggle with or could not even do. 

Difficulties of AI Technology:

Finally, Tech Giants Are Turning Down Unethical AI Projects - Analytics  India Magazine

Now getting into the major cons of AI technology, they are completely uncontrollable and this can lead to fears. We must realize the capability that AI could potentially have and we have to keep a close eye on them. Yes, any say AI is not comparable to humans yet, but without the proper monitoring and the proper checks on the AI technology at use, it could get out of hand and say if we do not check them how they should be checked, they could overpower us, especially due to how much potential they have. We are bringing in AI to help us with a variety of different activities and projects, AI is practically new and as already known, it can develop its own patterns and figure out its own ways to perform things, making them easier and doing them by following patterns they came up with. Since the AI technology can already do that, who says they cannot figure out their own ways to become maybe too powerful? AI is certainly uncontrollable and we should indeed be a bit worried about the technology as well as monitor it often. There has already been proof of AI showing "aggressive" or "violent" behavior while cooperating with others in specific situations that can become stressful. AI technology can become anonymous and pretty much live on their own without taking a bodily shape and pretty much live anywhere within the internet connection and this intelligent robot, being AI, considering it continues to develop itself, may be able to escape their designers and do as they wish within different internet connections. AI will be able to perform these functions if they are either programmed to be destructive and maybe take out something within the system it is programmed to work on. Say the programmer programs AI to kill or destroy some type of field in their technology they may be in, they could use this program and pretty much take it and run with it. There will almost be no way to slow down AI if they are shown how to be destructive, they'd be very hard to stop. Since AI would be able to lean this program, they could have unexpected consequences that could be very harmful and we do not want this to happen, this is not why we are pushing to have AI take away some of the jobs they will soon be taking. AI can also develop a destructive trait as a side effect. When us humans are working on something, say for example preventing a wildfire and figuring out tactics to prevent it, we weigh the pros and cons and oftentimes we decide not to intervene at all. With AI, we must program the technology and with that being said, they go out of their way to figure out how to prevent something such as a wildfire and they would not consider the cons or how other things may be effected at all. This can prove a destructive side of AI technology and it shows how they will work to what they are programmed and will not feel what else will or may happen at all. 

Emotion AI – the future of artificial intelligence?

Another con of AI technology is that they do not have any emotion at all, yet at least. AI technology will work on a variety of many different things but they will have no emotion and pretty much not care how anyone feels or what may be affected by what they are participating in. We unfortunately, as of now, cannot teach AI to be compassionate and have a caring spirit and it is due to AI interpreting information differently than us humans would have interpreted them. Being nice and performing kind acts are not completely possible for AI, yet at least, and this is why they see things differently than us humans do. AI technology sees them so different because they do not put in all these other factors like us humans do. We, as humans, consider everything when working on something, we wonder what will happen if we perform something, we consider who's affected (usually, unless you're the evil Google or Facebook), and we think of all the possible possibilities of something occurring, AI cannot do that and they have no feelings or emotion for anything at all which makes them see things entirely different than us as humans do. Although many are working towards putting in some form of compassion and emotion into the AI technology, it always seems to be missing something and they ultimately end up not meeting the goal us humans want the AI technology to meet, they are not us and they do not have the built in emotions and background history that we do, hence the reason they fall short each time they are tried to be programed with emotion. So at the end of the day, AI technology cannot smoothen things out at all because of how they feel because they cannot feel at all, they have no emotion and they cannot change how they distribute information and findings, they take the programmed task and do what you ask, they will not sugar code or be kind about anything, which could also lead into show they can become destructive and aggressive. 

You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot—and Sooner Than You Think – Mother Jones

The third and final con I have for you all is that, this AI technology will take our jobs! Yes this can be a pro and a con, but honestly, it looks like it'd be more of a pro for businesses and a con for us individuals who work our butts off for companies everyday. We are continually pushing for AI to be able to perform certain tasks and it is quite scary actually. I cannot imagine what will happen to those who work in very high end buildings with very important informational tasks and how their life will turn out once AI comes in and destroys and takes everything from them. These jobs will begin to get taken by unpaid technology and these companies will use them to the highest extent they can. When many get pushed out of these high end jobs due to AI technology, they will struggle getting back into a similar job because if the first job that was taken by the AI technology, what do you think will happen to a similar job that is not as high quality? AI technology will completely take that over as well, especially if that backup job company wants to rise to the top. There are over 1,002,809 warehouse workers and sooner or later, they will all be out of a job because of AI technology and do you think they have a extremely nice and professional stacked resume to show high end jobs that will begin to be taken over by AI technology as well? I highly doubt that. The employee rate fluctuates from time to time based on what may be happening within society. For instance, when looking at the linked chart (click on "fluctuates" above to see attachment) unemployment rates were dropping, thinking of it today, unemployment rates rose quickly and a lot of that had to do to the pandemic, what do you actually think will happen when this AI technology becomes readily available for all companies to use? We may see the largest number of unemployment rate we have ever seen before. Many humans in the world today are thought to be lazy and do nothing outside of working their 9-5 job, what in the world will we look like when our jobs are being taken by AI technology? We'd look useless and like we are just destroying the planet, our identity will be forever gone. Many see AI technology as a great idea, but so many family members that provide for others will suffer tremendously. 

In Conclusion:

In the end, AI technology can have both a horrible impact and a great impact on us humans, it just really matters on what role we'd play in the lives of AI technology and how we'd monitor and check on the technology. Yes, the technology can be beneficial but without proper precautions, things may get out of hand and I'm not sure if it is the best decision to risk that. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

EOTO #2: Cord Cutting

Ethan Parker 


What is it?

Charter, Comcast, and AT&T all post big subscriber losses as cord cutting  accelerates

So what really is cord cutting? Cord cutting is the overall process of cutting off or canceling your cable service because you may not necessarily need it and it may benefit you if you switch from one to the other. Everyone has their own specific reason why they'd want to switch to the streaming services from cable but one reason many switch is due to pricing. Over time the price of cable has risen to top notch numbers and it does not really even seem that worth it because of how worthless some channels can be on cable. When you think of "cord cutting" you usually think of the process of people cutting off their cable providers because much more people cut off cable rather than switch away from streaming services. The numbers have only gone up over time when looking at the amount who switch away from and leave cable services per year, if this rate continues, cable will be extinct in the next couple of years! Many Americans have never even experienced having cable due to a variety of reasoning. First things first, the cable pricing is way to much for what everyone is receiving in return. It is just simply not worth it to hold on to this cable provider and only watch a few channels due to every other channel being horrible to watch, and not to mention, cable replays many channels and episodes, over and over again, and after a while, many get tired of that and do not want to see repeated shows and then they find themselves not using their TV as much because the cable channels are just not worth it to watch over again a million times. With all of that being said, cord cutting is necessary to many different families and some don't even bother cutting the cord because they've never had to deal with it because of its complete unfairness. Cord cutting is a significant and reoccurring process that will happen more and more as years go by and plenty of people and families will spread the word and the news about cord cutting and eventually, everyone will be cutting the cord on cable providers, that is what cord cutting really is. These are just a few reasons families and individuals decide to cut the cord, now let's get into the positives and negatives of making the big decision to officially cut the cord on cable providers.


Streaming services laying out some good deals while we're socially  distancing

As mentioned earlier, the main reason people cut the cord is due to the unbelievable pricing of cable providers, many find cable worthless due to how much they charge and how little they provide. A huge positive when cord cutting is that streaming services are much more affordable and personalized to you. Cable providers such as Direct TV charge 70 dollars per month for their cabling services. This number is outrageous, why would I pay that to see only a few channels I may watch per year? It is just not worth the money to pay when I could use streaming services and get a much better deal. Say I purchase Netflix (which, at cheapest, can be $8.99 per month) and Disney Plus (which, at cheapest, can be $8 per month), I'd only be paying around $17 a month for a variety of different shows and episodes as well as some of the best movies to every reach America. This is a completely better deal and I can enjoy everything I love watching for a much cheaper price per month. I'd be able to view millions of episodes, shows, and movies anytime I wanted to, as well as I could always pause what I am watching and come back to it later if need be. Looking on the other hand with Direct TV, I'd be paying $70 a month and only watching a few channels per year, you cannot really pause and record things without upgrading your packaging which would result in paying more money per moth, and to be quite frank, it really just seems like a scam. Direct TV knows they replay channels at least 2-3 times per day and not many people like to watch the same things constantly so this is unfair to viewers and those who have purchased cable. In the end, on the pricing way of things, streaming services take a huge benefit compared to cable and this is why so many people decide to cut the cord.

Cord-cutters: Here's how to audit your streaming TV subscriptions so you  don't waste money | TechHive

Something else that stands out amazingly to me is that you are in complete control of streaming services. You can control the ads, or on cable they'd be commercials, you can control when you want to stop or continue a show, you can control things like a recommended list as well as a favorites list, and overall you choose what you want to view and watch. This is an amazing benefit and it shows another huge reason why cutting the cord and switching to streaming services is so much better than relying on cable providers for you happiness in shows and channels. With cable providers, you cannot have nearly as much control and personalization for yourself. With cable providers, you cannot control the commercials or even how many there many be at a time, you cannot quickly navigate to a specific show you may want to see right at that exact time because the show many not be on yet, whereas the show that will be on will probably be a replayed show that is going on for the 3rd time that day, and you also cannot control the uncontrollable things like when Direct TV may go on "downtime" or have a channel shortage where some channels are unable to be played at the time, but with streaming services, there will be no "downtime", you can watch from anywhere and anytime as well as there will not be a time where Netflix or Disney Plus is not playing certain shows and movies during that time, you will always be able to navigate and find what you want to watch anytime. You have so much control over streaming services, you can literally personalize them to where there is always something right there in you face that you'd love to watch. You can set up a streaming service such as Netflix push shows you love watching and similar shows towards the top so you do not have to go through the struggle of searching for them, like we have to do with cable. If I just finished something like Captain America, at the top of my Netflix could be the movie Thor or even an "Avengers movie because they are all similar and have some form of connection. You can also hold different profiles on streaming service, which again, contributes to the power and control you have on these streaming services. Profiles help to allow you to be able to keep track of your favorite movies and shows without getting them in the way of someone else that uses the streaming service as well. For instance, Hulu, Disney Plus, and Netflix (can probably many other streaming services as well) all have a system to where you can build your own profiles for different members. So a family of 5 could all have their own profile, where they all watch what they want to watch on a streaming service such as Disney Plus (you can have up to 7 profiles on Disney Plus by the way!)and only pay $8 a month, the control over these streaming services you have is unbelievable. 

Espn On A Television, Laptop, Tablet, And Smartphone, HD Png Download ,  Transparent Png Image - PNGitem

Another advantage there is to having streaming services is that you can watch them on any device, devices including the TV, phones, tablets, laptops, and more! Some cable providers do allow you to watch on some form of other device such as you laptop but this comes with extra costs and who wants to pay more fro cable than they already do? It is just unnecessary, especially when I can watch streaming services for as little as $8 a month and be able to watch it anytime, on any device anywhere. This sort of plays into the control portion a bit but is I also very important. Many people within the younger generation attain jobs over the summer and many of those jobs, they are doing work that takes over long periods of time where they can do work and also do other things such as listen to music or watch some form of entertainment. I know this because I've done this before and my co-workers have also done this. Throughout the day, I would be able to turn on Netflix on my phone and pop in my headphones and enjoy the show I was watching earlier at home, while performing my assigned task. This all just goes to show how you can take streaming services with you wherever you go with no additional costs. Yes, cable providers have been stepping their game up and you can also watch your cable TV shows and channels on your phone when you are on the move but this usually comes with additional costs like I stated earlier, as well as not all cable providers allow you to perform this feature. There are certain cable companies that are adapting to the change, cable providers such as Direct TV and Spectrum TV that both cost a tremendous amount per month and they have just recently (in the last year or so) have made the move to where you can take their providers on the go. This is sad, especially being that streaming services have been doing this, also at a very low price per month. 


WTVY News 4 - OFF THE AIR: WTVY-TV will be off the air Thursday, January  30th from about 7 am to 11 am. We'll be doing maintenance on our  transmitter tower. This

A disadvantage of cord cutting could be that you will be missing out on some channels that do air on cable. This is not too big of a deal, considering that you have tons of different episodes, shows, and movies you can choose from with streaming services, but for some, it will be hard to not be able to view their favorite show that may not be on streaming services. For example, if you are someone that is heavily involved in watching shows such as sports shows, it will be pretty difficult to cut the cord on cable because you will not get that access to shows such as SportsCenter or other sports shows such as PardonTheInterruption. But you do have access to ESPN Plus and YouTube TV with streaming services and that can help a lot but you will unfortunately miss out on those sports shows that discuss what may or may not happen and discuss after games what all went down such as the ones stated above. This is very tough for those debating on cutting the cord because they may easily view it as, why should I switch over and I can't even view the best couple of shows there are to watch on Direct TV? This is understandable because you do not want to stack up on more than enough streaming services per month because the prices could begin to rise. You want to limit the streaming services you will use and this can be hard to do because they have so many great things to watch but you must limit yourself or you will be soon seeing yourself paying around what you did for the worthless cable. But in the end, missing certain channels and shows can be a huge disadvantage because many look forward to a certain show every single evening at a certain time and it'd be very disappointing to not se it on the streaming services you decide to choose. 

12 Tips to Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection | PCMag

Another big disadvantage that discourages many to avoid cutting the cord is that you must have at least a decent and smooth internet provider to watch these streaming services clearly. You do not want to take the time to look into a streaming service and end up spending your money to come to the realization that you might have to spend more money because you need to get your internet taken care of so you can clearly see the shows and movies you want to watch. With cable TV, you are able to watch all the channels that occur in a pretty visible manner, no matter the internet connection. Yes you internet connection plays a role regardless but if you want that movie theatre quality for you streaming services, you ought to make sure your internet provider is stable and good enough so what you watch can be clear. As tough as it is to limit yourself to which streaming services you can obtain, you also have to work about the internet provider you have which can be very price consuming if you internet is not already up to par. You certainly do not want to be watching blurry shows and channels and that really only occurs with these streaming services because, as stated earlier, cable channels all have the same types of quality that do not tend to be blurry no matter the internet provider which is why many do stay with cable as well. Why not stay with cable and not too good of internet rather than switching over to streaming services and having to pay a large amount for a better and top notch internet? 

Statistics: (

1. In 2019, 6.3 million people cut the cord on cable TV

2. There will be more than 55 million cord cutters by 2022

3. Cable TV penetration will fall below 60% by 2030

4. 35 million Americans have never used cable 

5. 69% of people have a streaming service (Netflix has more viewers than satellite and cable combined)

6. 52% of Cord cutters do not regret their decision

7. Almost 1/3 of people over 50 have dropped their cable subscription


God's Kingdom, Our Winebrenner: In Conclusion… - Winebrenner Theological  Seminary

In conclusion, it seems completely worth it to cut the cord and begin saving and living a happier life when scrolling through episodes and actually being able to view things you want to view rather than the same shows and channels over and over again. In the end, it comes down to your preference and what you hold high to yourself and what you really do not want to give up, but always remember, you will have to make some form of sacrifice for the better outcome, you cannot get everything the way you want it. 

The Progressive Era: Anti War

Ethan Parker 


Anti-war movement - Wikipedia

During this age in time, government were looking to make their own choices and did not care what others thought what so ever. They'd do almost anything to make sure those that are trying to expose the truth or express their impactful opinions be quiet and silenced. The liberal progressives during this time in America were against the involvement of the US in warfare conflict mainly because of their belief that warfare had immortal and hidden economic motivation, hence why they wanted to expose truths and strongly express their impactful opinions, but people like this were usually silenced due to government. 

When looking through the Anti-War website, it is a bit uncomfortable almost. It is unusual to see and it is because news like this never makes it to the big news channels for some reason. While scrolling throughout this website, you tend to see many big topics that you'd expect to be discussed on the mainstream news channels but only small chunks of the information is discussed. It must be due to government involvement, and it only makes since because the government never wants to look bad, they want to be seen as if they are somewhat perfect and haven't done anything dirty. But when looking at this anti-war website, many different perspectives and truths are revealed about the government and what all has gone on in our world today. The title that catches my eye immediately is the title that states "Trump Admin Considered Murdering Assange", why is this not being talked about all over mainstream news and why aren't anyone's phones constantly buzzing because of the news that has just been put out? It is a simple and relatively easy answer to conclude, it must have something to do with the government not wanting information being put out. Yes quickly notice when clicking through the links how those specific writers feel about warfare involvement. These writers are completely against war as they seem to believe war is something that does not really determine much and instead of war, the truth should be opened up. For crying out loud, the website that all of these sources are posed on is called "ANTIWAR.COM", all of these writers are not for war, but it is also easy to realize that they are all for spilling the truth. 

After taking a look at the American Conservative website, the first thing I notice is the title word "Realism" and it is also bolded and larger than all other words under it. The reason why this catches my attention so much is because this website is pushing to put out factual information that they believe many need to see and I am sure we do not see these factual, truth spilling websites because the government wants to make sure they can keep their behinds in the clear. This website also looks much cleaner than the "ANTI WAR" website, instead of having links lined up and all over the place, the American Conservative website has their topics lined up in an orderly fashion with similarities in fonts for all topics, making them easily readable and easy to find. In similarity to the anti-war website, this website also has a lot of information that we seem to not hear much of on mainstream news channels. This website does not go as hard on the US and our government as the anti-war website does but they still push to get their feelings and the truth out. This website is also full of anti-war voices and you can easily ell that when looking through some of the headlines of the topics. The topics that confirm that this website is a site where anti-war voices are allowed is the "The Sufficient Condition For Forever War Is Never War" site as well as the "Defunding The World's Police" site. The reason why they confirm that the American Conservative is a site that invites anti-war voices is because both of those sites are siding against the US when it comes to decision making that has something to do with our weapons. If we are really being technical, the first website I linked has the title of going against war and the second linked site discusses how we are wasting our precious money dealing with our police enforcement because they are making terrible decisions, especially when it comes to weapon usage and how we use moveable machines that cost a lot of money, such as tanks, army vehicles, and many more.

U.S. clearing anti-war voices off social media in vast censorship operation  | MR Online

I believe I have never heard of these two websites because of how they both go against the governments feelings and decisions. We all must come to realization that the government does not want to look bad in front of anyone, therefore they do what they need to do in order to keep a solid name. One day everyone will come to the realization that the government is not quite on our team and they hide many different vital informational stories and takes from us, so we are at a disadvantage, so we technically know less than they do. I think I do not hear of these websites often because they are cut off from being fully discussed on huge news sources such as CNN or Fox News. The government takes high risks and they will continue to do so as long as they can seem like they are 100% for the people and completely on the side of letting the citizens know everything, but in reality, they want you to know nothing that has secret value to the government. We are seriously going to believe that the government does not try to keep valuable information, such as these ones of the two websites I've discussed earlier, from us? The same government which has created bombs that many do not even know about, the same government who tries spying on citizens daily, the same government that has just resorted to blaming Cuba in the past? It just makes so much since that the government is behind the scenes of why important views that would make the US government look bad do not get out. Many are against war and what the government pushes to do because of the long term affects it could have on people. We basically throw away our soldiers half of the time during wars and it is because the government wants to be head of the spear and take everything head on without much thought or even community input. Yes we all understand our government nationalistic views and why 'we must go to war'. But that is not always the answer and the government knows it is not, they just do not want the people to feel as though they are right, therefore they cancel out the voices of the people who oppose war and make sure they do not reach mainstream news channels so nothing can get out, no group opinions can be made, and so nobody bans together to go against the government. 

The Strange Politics of 'Classified' Information - The New York Times

We all must do tons of searching for these anti-war websites because the government knows what all could be getting out and they are not prepared to deal with the world for what it may become if these opinions and facts do begin to get released and out. Imagine what all could happen if the entire US knew about these websites and read them thoroughly, many people may come together and go against the government indefinitely because of how people may begin to feel because of websites like these two. Like I stated earlier, the government does all it can to silence the voice of the people when it comes to topics they do not want to change a single bit and this is why we all must go through such tough searching to find anti-war websites such as these two. The government would be faulted in various amounts of ways if these websites became attainable easily, we might not even have a government if these websites begin to spread like wildfire and become easily accessible to all. Have we all forgotten that the government is technically allowed to remove internet websites if they have the correct reasoning to do so? It is not that difficult for the government to go through a couple of biased reasons why a website that makes them look bad should be removed. The process of government removing a internet website because of what it may portray is known as Internet Censorship. The government most likely uses this process to remove many of these anti-war voices' websites because of what they potentially can say about the government or what they are saying about the government. US citizens are free to share the voice and their opinions/views but if the government feels as though we are sharing information that can become somewhat harmful, is dangerous, is not right to be seen by children, then they can take the informational websites down. I am sure there has been multiple times where the government has taken down a page due to what it portrays about them and most of the time, the information that these websites can portray, are negative towards the government, meaning they push the views of individuals to side against the government and make a move to prove what all the government is actually doing and what they could potentially be hiding. Websites are not safe in this free country and it is because the government is scared to be shown off for what they really are, for what they really have to hide. 

In the end, the government does do many different things for the US citizens but out of all the government does, how much of it is a deal because of something they've hidden? The government cannot be completely trusted and it is easy to say that because of the websites and truths they hide from us, just like seen on the Anti-War website and the American Conservative website, how come these types of websites aren't talked about daily? It is due to the government wanting to keep a clean slate, but we cannot let the get away this easy, they must be exposed for what they hide and we must be allowed to discuss our views and opinions, no matter how it looks on the government. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

EOTO: What I Learned!

Ethan Parker 


Printing press - Wikipedia

The printing press was always my favorite when it came to class presentations about impactful projects. Lucky I gain more and more information each time we discuss the top of the printing press. 

The printing press was a well valued machine that allowed for mass production in a variety of different ways and elements. The printing press usually printed for books as well as newspapers and this was a game changing invention. As we all do know today, knowledge is power, and that is exactly what the printing press allowed us to do, it allowed as to share knowledge and ideas quickly. The printing press arguably helped our scholars to grow their minds as they were able to rapidly share their ideas as well as gain knowledge themselves that'd help them grow. Hundreds of identical copies were being made and this made things so much easier because it allowed copies of the same information to be made rapidly, quicker, as well as it was easier to connect with others because of how quick you could spread a newspaper due to the printing press, who knows how long it'd take for one person to write 100 copies of a newspaper, by the time he/she was done, there'd be more important ideas out to explore than his/hers.

I learned that without the printing press our minds and knowledge would not have grown over time like they have. Without this magnificent machine, being the printing press, we'd never have the availability to share vital ideas with others and we'd all have our own perception on many different things. When looking at it over time, if the printing press was never invented, we would not have the easy access of things such as printers, we would not have all the varieties of different printers we have today. The printing press certainly changed the world for the better, we were able to develop from the printing press, expand our knowledge, and develop and learn some more. Without the printing press, we'd have no big timelines of information, no books with vital information, and the spread of knowledge would be very limited. I have learned major importance of the printing press from the presentation, gladly the printing press was created because since we continued to share knowledge and grow, now we have better sources to use such as laser printers, solid ink printers, 3D printers, LED printers, and many more.

The printing press was extravagant and should be tough more today. With this presentation, I was also helped to realize that the printing press deserves more credit, it deserves to be discussed in classes more often. Of course throughout High School, we sort of touch on the printing press, who made it, and slightly on what it has done. We should have more presentations similar to the one we had in class that discussed the printing press because this machine was more than important. It is hard to look at what life would would have been without this machine that was generating hundreds and thousands of books. This presentation helped me to understand that when there is discussion about the printing press, oftentimes the discussion is short in quick and the printing press held much more value than what it is discussed.

In conclusion, the printing press has helped us today more than many can really understand. When the printing press was first invented, it would be called a monopoly today if we did not have the printers we have know because of the importance and job the printing press held. The printing press was more than a machine, it allowed us to grow and expand our knowledge heavily through the timeline of life.

Inventions 4 – The printing press – CLF Online Learning

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